Do you Twitter?
I do.
Pretty much all the time.
Random stuff. Stuff that makes me ME.I tried to explain Twitter to some of the peeps at Thirsty Thursday last night and the concept was lost on them.
To me it's kinda like a text and micro blog as well as being very similar to a facebook status.
It's usually the innermost workings of my mind and what I'm doing or going to be doing.
Below is a sample of yesterday and today's Tweets, complete with misspellings and incorrect capitalization:
@helpdeskace Travel safe. See you soon. Don't judge me if the place is a wreck. I've been lazy and busy.half a minute ago from web in reply to helpdeskace
small towns are great for getting the goods on a situation without having to do a lot of investigation17 minutes ago from web
you know it's going to be a challenging day when the cat doesn't get out of bed with you and the first call of the day indicates a huge miss44 minutes ago from web
Even though the calendar tells me today is Friday, it sure does feel like a Monday.about 2 hours ago from web
calling it a night. tomorrow morning is gonna come way too early for my liking but i'll rock 'n roll with it.about 10 hours ago from mobile web
ruh roh. the bartender poured a double.about 11 hours ago from mobile web
so glad the lakers defeated the magic tonight!about 12 hours ago from mobile web
pub food tastes so good but it's so bad for the body...only live once right? right!about 13 hours ago from mobile web
http://twitpic.com/7680o - Finally made it to thirsty thursdayabout 13 hours ago from TwitPic
Done with work for the day. Good thing too because my arse has started to go numb from being in this chair since 6:30 this morning.about 14 hours ago from web
@helpdeskace I would love to snookums but you are in AZ and I am in WA. We are geographically challenged at the moment.about 14 hours ago from web in reply to helpdeskace
@helpdeskace Pls do as I am still working and then I have to clean the place up in anticipation of your arrival.about 14 hours ago from web in reply to helpdeskace
@helpdeskace There is my crisp coco satin. Drunk as all get out and getting nekkid in a bit. *waves hi* xoxoabout 15 hours ago from web in reply to helpdeskace
@fiwasan thx sweetness. They have now started to text me. Sometimes is sucks being a responsible adult but I gots to pay the bills.about 15 hours ago from web in reply to fiwasan
I'd like to watch the game with some peeps at our "Cheers" but I have to be a responsible adult and finish this assessment.about 16 hours ago from web
I can almost feel the whoosh under my skates and fluttering of my hair as I make my way around the skating rink; the hits keep on coming!about 17 hours ago from web
@juliebonnheath Does he still or did he?about 17 hours ago from web in reply to juliebonnheath
kinda feel like I'm back in middle school again with these musical selections & partaking in an afternoon snack of string cheese and an appleabout 19 hours ago from web
When I hear Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi I can't help but think of the Deadliest Catch dudes and crab. Lots and lots of crab. Yummers!about 19 hours ago from web
Big shout out to @pandora_radio. You're killing it with the musical selections I'm getting from a Journey song. Makes this afternoon ROCK!about 19 hours ago from web
I've decided my least favorite number to write is 5 simply because it requires more pencil whipping than other written numbers.about 20 hours ago from web
If I were a piece of bread I wouldn't want to be toasted. Sammiches taste so much better with toasty bread in my opinion.about 21 hours ago from web
@helpdeskace Enjoy the river ride. Get extra coco crisp satin for me!about 21 hours ago from web in reply to helpdeskace
@fiwasan Wishing you luck and sending the vibes!about 21 hours ago from web in reply to fiwasan
Results of bloodwk are in. Kicking butt and taking names all over the place, which is a good thing. Vitamin D results remain pending.about 22 hours ago from web
@cjgraphix I've had 2 chai teas and have now moved on to a coke. We are fueled by caffeine eh?about 23 hours ago from web in reply to cjgraphix
@kimberlybrimhal Congratulations! Great shot. I spy a former cheerleader or two in the bunch.about 23 hours ago from web in reply to kimberlybrimhal
@cjgraphix You and I are having a similar day. Here is to both of us kicking butt and taking names *cheers*about 24 hours ago from web in reply to cjgraphix
continues to be amazed the lengths some people will go to in order to cover up their actions. Owning up to the mistake(s) would be easier.about 24 hours ago from web
Hmmm, 5 yrs later I discover my Safeway club card is not in my name but in the dude's name that had my now home # before me.9:21 AM Jun 11th from web
onward to my second chai tea latte of the day. to add soy milk to this one or not is the question remaining to be answered.8:06 AM Jun 11th from mobile web
If ya wanna follow me, I'm under moonthego or you can click on the sidebar link.
You've been warned and invited.
Peace and Love Peeps.
Hey MO!!!!!! I knew I could still find you on here! How are you doing sweetie? Gosh its been forever. You look great as usual. I would love to hear from you and catch up with you. Do you have facebook? If you do I'm on there daily and even Dar is on there..lol Please look me up and add me my address is dawn.valdez@yahoo.com
Hope to talk to you soon.
I'm glad you enjoy "Twitting" -- I just can't get into it -- spend too much time on FB, anyway.
I enjoy the twits..but am more hooked on facebook (KATHY!! :) )..
it's handy and easy especially when you're in a hurry.. right from your cell phone you can update the twitter. :)
I can't.do.it.just.can't.
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