If you don't remember - heck if even if you do - I challenge you to get busy cleaning them this week.
Hidden germs could be lurking.
Dust bunnies be gone.
Fingerprints a thing of the past.
Let's get to it.
Peace, Love, Laughter, and Soul Y'all.
I was looking at the light switches the other day. UGH. I did attack the stack of papers. Today. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. Ha.
Thanks for motivating me. I think the light switches will be a lot easier.
Light switches, door knobs, and handrails!!!
I would never think about these things if it weren't for you.
Ok, I will clean my light switches (and my door knobs too) this week.
Love you!!!!!!!!!
I am glad y'all are on this. Now I have to be on top of mine!
XOXO to all.
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