I am home and it feels sooooo goood.
I woke up irritated by one situation.
I quickly corrected my thoughts when I realized it was worth no more of time and decided to focus on what was good to change the flow and vibe of the day.
First off, I woke up. How many times do we take this for granted?
Upon waking, in my own bed!!!, I gave thanks for being able to see, to hear, to think, for being in my right mind, for knowing I was gonna be able to walk to the bathroom without assistance, that even though my voice is still kinda squeaky today at least I have a voice and am healthy.
I gave thanks for having a job, which I very much enjoy. More thanks for the roof over my head, the food in my pantry and fridge, and the playful kitty sitting next to me. Right next to a hacked up hairball but hey, she's healthy too!
Then I noticed the sun was shining and remembered today is supposed to be one of those picture perfect Pacific Northwest days.
I also gave thanks for safe travels, for time with Ace and Fiwa yesterday, and knowing all my other friends and family were healthy, happy, and safe too.
Life is good. Life is really, really good.
The irritating thought this morning? It's a thing of the past. I've got my smiley face on.
I hope you do too.
Peace and Love Peeps.
What an attitude of gratitude. I heard it was picture perfect out your way. There's nothing better than a perfect WA state day. Hope tomorrow is just as good.
Thanks for spending the day with me, sister-girl. Now I need to go find and bookmark Paolo. :)
You've said quite succinctly what I believe: being/feeling happy is sometimes a distinct choice.
It was a beautiful day here too; sun shining, blue skies. I plan to enjoy that tomorrow at the beach!
So glad you are happy and content.
Is this from a Disney movie?
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