The time has come for me to head back out on the open road.
I'm heading down south for a quick two day trip.
I hope to be able to see Ace while I am there but our schedules may not allow for this.
Auntie Fiwa gets a break this week. Auntie Mars will be taking care of the kitty this go around.
Mars, I know she is going to be happy to see you. She was playful this morning so all systems are go for "kickball". I apologize for leaving you with a very hairy carpet to play on. I don't think my neighbors would appreciate me running the Dyson over the carpet at 5:00 AM.
Auntie Fiwa, She's gonna miss you and is looking forward to the next two - three weeks with you.
To you both, Many thanks for taking care of us while I go and do what it is I do. Y'all make it possible for me to be who I am and focus while I am on the road. I love you and am so very thankful to be able to call you sisters by choice.
Peace and Love Peeps. Willie has cued up and the boys (Iggy (iPod), (Pat (iPod converter), Kenny (Kindle 2), and Jack (GPS)) and I are ready to go.
safe trip!
Safe travels!!!!
Don't work too hard!!
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