Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Anyone else hear or read the story about the girl's science project that proved just how nasty our fellow Americans are, can be, and I am sure will continue to be? I'm talking about the bacteria levels she found after ice cubes from fast food restaurants were tested. The levels were higher than what most folks will find in their toilets. Fecal matter was found in the ice.

Wash your hands people! I'm saying wash. Don't simply do one pump from the soap dispenser, run a little bit of water over your hands, and then call it a day. I'm talking lather those puppies up. Wash the tops, wash the palms, wash the fingernails...WASH!

Here's what I think when I see women in the bathroom that do the one pump, splash a little water on, and then go through the motion -- "Who do you think you are kidding you fake handwasher you. If I wasn't standing next to you in the restroom we both know the chances of you stopping to wash your hands is less than 30%. Quit being a poser. Stop faking it. Please, for the love of God, just wash."

I try not to be judgmental but I notice. Other people notice this too I am sure. This is why I am one of the anal freaks who uses a papertowel or opens the door with my arm, hip, butt, etc. to get out of the bathroom after I've washed my hands. Dirty girls.

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