Saturday, December 18, 2010

These Days

This time of the year my Longhorn crocs and rubber rain boots aka galoshes are a common sight by the front door.

Lately we have had some killer rain and windstorms so protection of my feet is necessary when I venture outside.

I'm talking so much rain Noah and his ark should be arriving shortly. 

I wake up in the morning and check to see if my toes are going to start webbing together.

Yes, this is Seattle/Pacific Northwest.  We are known for getting precipitation but the Pineapple Express is showing us a thing or two these days.

Mother Nature is doing her best big bad wolf impression too. 

She's huffing, puffing, and trying to blow this little piggy's house down with her 50+ mph wind storms. 

I'm talking sustainable winds of that speed y'all. Not just a little gust here or there.  Lots of gusts of that speed on top of consistent 15+ mph winds.

If you've ever wondered why I have a thing for hats or my hair appears to be pulled back and up a lot, it's not because I'm lazy, this is why.  I'd rather not deal with elements and hats are a thing of mine.  Just sayin'.

I will keep on rocking the weather related gear and cleaning up the yard like the champ I am. After all you just never know what idea I will come up with next that includes tree branches, pinecones, twigs, etc..

Peace, Love, Laughter, and Soul Y'all.   

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