Monday, December 18, 2006

Yea, I Got Your Pins and Needles

Did you miss me? I missed you too. But you know what I missed more?


I've been without power since Thursday. It was finally restored last night. AMEN.

I have officially survived a wind storm. 70-90 mph winds. Nearly a million of us peeps without power. 1,000,000.

Dontcha' worry. We made the most of it. After last month's snowstorm and this month's power outages I have a feeling Washington's population will be exploding in 9 to 10 months.

Here's how it went down. Thursday afternoon it came in with a force. I was a wimp. We were supposed to do happy hour but I stayed in. I hunkered down with the babies. I watched the game. I went to bed early.

About midnight, craaaaack. With evergreens snapping like twigs, we lost power. My wind chimes blew right off the deck. I was thinking it would be restored in the morning. Um no.

The entire city, including the office, was without power. You really get to see the other side of human nature in times like these. You get to see who is a lover and who is a fighter. You get to see how folks roll with the punches.

So Friday I worked as much as I could at the office until my lap top battery died. The generators were needed for essential operations. I headed out of the office around 1:30 and hunkered down on the couch under the blankets with the babies and read a book. Little slice of heaven for a Friday afternoon.

Until...It got freaking cold. I mean frigid folks. I was wearing layer upon layer. I had a hat on. I had gloves on. I had a scarf on. I almost broke out the snow suit peeps. It got that cold.

As darkness fell, some of the girls came over with their animals and we proceeded to read by candlelight, to play some board games, to gab like beaotches do, to drink some wine, and try to get some sleep. You put 7 cats and two dogs in one little space and see how much sleep you can get.

Saturday morning rolls around. Still no power. Leadership party in Seattle still on. They have power. YES! Warmth. Shower. Lights. Ahh, the simple things in life.

Oh, and by the way, I ended up taking one of the girls with me as my date in case you were wondering. We partied like it was 1999. You wouldn't expect anything less from me would you?

I ended up going to Pete's around 3:00 AM. His place sounded better than the hotel room at that point of the night, even though it was a great hotel to be in. I spend enough time in those.

He had power at his place and Sunday was his birthday so I was planning on being there anyway. Why not go ahead and be there first thing in the morning right?

My place? Still without power.

Anywho, sometime around 4:00 PM yesterday the power was restored. I thank my lucky stars no damage was done to my home, my car, or let alone my life.

God bless the 8 souls who perished in the storm and all the countless other folks who are suffering from carbon monoxide "epidemic" related injuries.

Fun times I tell you. 75,000+ peeps around the area are still without power and the estimate is they will be without power until Thursday.

Wooo. What an ordeal.

I'm off to rummage through the fridge and freezer. According to internet sources the only things I can safely keep are salad dressing, jelly, relish, bbq sauce, mustard, and ketchup.

I know some of you are thinking that is all I have anyway but seriously since I haven't been traveling that much lately I have stocked up. See what good it did me? Oh well. At least the Goose, the Captain, and Patron are safe too.

Peace and Love Peeps.


kimmyk said...

WOW. I didn't hear about any of that.


I wouldn't know what to do without electricity. OMG...just the thought...sheesh.

SuburbanMom said...

ack!! oh my gosh that is just so crazy. Total baby boom coming up :)