It seems like it has been forever since I came through. I know it has only been a few days but it
seems like a lifetime.
Forgive me if I depress you but I'm in a funk. I'm feeling low. I'm simply going to write about a little bit of this and a lot of that. Hang on for the ride if you dare.
Last week was a long one work wise. I knew it would be but when you find yourself sitting at your desk for five hours straight, without a break, something needs to give. Don't even get me started on the back pain from that either.
Let's just say once I got home Friday night I did nothing but curl up in bed with the kitties, some tea, gulped down some Tylenol, and hit the sheets.
Saturday. Emotional roller coaster. 3rd anniversary of my mom's passing.
Here's a
PSA. Don't be afraid to reach out to your friends, family, associates, etc. on the anniversary of a loved one's passing, on a birthday, on a mother's day, a father's day, a holiday, an anniversary...on any given day. Even if you don't know what to say, reach out. Say I was thinking of you. Say I love you. Just listen. Give a hug. Be present. Don't be hesitant if the thought crosses your mind. It means something to the person on the other end. Trust me on this. Other than working in the morning, Kyla cut and colored my hair. She made me pretty again and covered the gray.
Afterward, I arrived home to find Pete and the girls ready to rock and roll for the road trip. We chilled a bit before we headed out. They painted while he and I talked.
Isn't it amazing how long it can take to get two adults and two kids out the door with everything in tow? Thank goodness there were no time constraints for this leg of the trip.
You know what else amazes me? How a child can sit down with some paint, a piece of paper, and make something spectacular without even really thinking about? As adults I believe we over think what we are attempting to create and if it is not perfect, we get frustrated, are not satisfied, and give up on the project. At least I do.
The girls reminded me to let that go. To just put some paint on a page, squish it together, and enjoy whatever the outcome is.
I see an owl in this one. This is Pete's favorite.

I see a Phoenix rising here.

I see a cat's face in this one. I dig this one.

But this one is my favorite. I see a frog.

If you feel like it, tell me what you see. And if you feel like analysing my interpretations, I'm game.
So once we got on the road, with only one minor meltdown, we arrived at the hotel. Or rather I should say motel.
Valu Inn Motel to be exact.
See there was huge soccer tournament in
Bellingham this weekend so trying to get a room, even with your diamond VIP status, at the last moment, is a feat. After calling every place in town Friday night, I finally lucked out and figured if AAA gave the location 2 diamonds and it was the only room in town, I better go ahead and reserve it.
I did get a value from the
Valu Inn. We booked the only suite in the hotel for a price of $119.00. With price like that I was thinking we were going to be staying in ghetto town but peeps, it was actually very nice. Extremely clean. Well lighted. Safe enough.
And when we checked in, the tears I had been holding in for the day, broke free.
The flood gates opened with a combination of happy tears and sad tears.
The front desk clerk had a French accent. She sounded a lot like my mom. I couldn't help it. I couldn't hold them in anymore. I chose to experience the moment.
The girls grabbed onto my legs and wouldn't let go. Pete took me in his arms and let me cry.
I think it helped put a renewed appreciation of his upcoming vacation in place. And I felt much better afterward.
So, fast forward to this morning. I dropped them off at the airport and headed back home after taking care of some business in
Today has been one of those days where the outside meets the way I feel on the inside. Gray. Blah. Rainy. Even a few bursts of thunder, which is unusual for this part of Washington.
I've done pretty much nothing since I got home, except for take a nap, play with the kitties, and watch a few
DVR'ed shows.
Monday will be here before I know it and want it to be. Here's to hoping your weekend was a good one. And that this week will be good too.
Peace and Love Peeps.