Yesterday morning I looked outside my bedroom window at the ever present winter wonderland and since I could see the street pavement clearly, I figured I'd make a go of it. Naturally I bundled up and coordinated my hat with my outfit for the day.
{Kimmy, this picture is especially for you.} 
It was "warm"
(high 20s to low 30s) enough to leave the wool pea-coat at home. Instead, in the spirit of layering, I was sporting my fleece lined North Face company vest over the scarf, tank top, long sleeve t, and wool sweater. Down below, I was wearing a pair of black slacks and the handy dandy weatherproof non skid low heeled boots, which certainly are proving to be worth their expense these days.
Before I was able to make my way to the office, snow and ice had to be cleared from my car. Once I was able to open my frozen door and retrieve the ice scraper I got down to it. What a mess that was. By the time I was done, my arms up to my elbows were covered in a light dusting of snow. My scarf and sweater were too.

I made a mental note to pick up one of those long handled brush thingies at the store and said a quick prayer I would be able to find one after the week we experienced.
After the workday, and on my way to run a few errands, I called my sister to see how life was in their neck of the woods. My brother-in-law shared they were in the 70s but had experienced some low temps and my sister and the girls were on their way down south to spend the weekend with my brother, sister-in-law, and their kids.
While I sat in the parking lot talking with her, I looked at a dark gray/almost black sky as snow fell around me and more ice formed on the windshield. I felt a tiny bit of envy come over me as we talked. Not only do they all get to be together this weekend, they are spending the day with the kids at Sea World and the temps were expected to be warm. Washington certainly isn't Texas these days! I fully expect lots of pictures {nudge nudge sisters}.
We said our good-byes, I love yous, and I made my way to the store's entrance only to discover there was not a single cart available in the cart bay. Empty as empty can be.
I trudged back out to the parking lot to find an abandoned one. I walked for what felt like a quarter of mile before I found one and then made my way tenderly through the ice rink, oops I mean parking lot, deflecting looks from other shoppers whom I assume were trying to figure out where I found my cart.
Entering the store, I was faced with a plethora of people. It seems as if everyone had the same idea I did. On my list were personal items, canned foods, and batteries, all of which were pretty much in preparation for the big storm which as of now has yet to materialize.
I headed to Radio Shack as I needed a lantern battery and should have known Wally World would be sold out but hey, I did score a 54" pivoting snowbroom with an ice scraper and squeegee plus a new gadget.
During my facial today, I asked V if the cheaper version was ok to use and she said yes, even though the Clarisonic is gentler, it is a good product to have in the skin care arsenal if you're not in the habit of exfoliating throughout the week. So, if you're not in the habit of exfoliating and want a quick and fun experience, might I suggest you pick one of those bad boys up?
Back to my Radio Shack experience...I walked in like the nerd I am with my
lantern in hand. The associate grabbed a new battery and put it in for me. Nothing. He took it out and put it back in checking the connections along the way. Still nothing. Another associate, who decided he needed to let me know he had the same Brinkmann back in the day
{way to make me feel old buddy}, suggested we check the bulb.
Once we did, and determined the bulb was fried, a replacement was put in and viola, we had light. I departed there with an extra battery and a bulb in hand feeling as if I was prepared for the worst should the wild winds knock out the power.
From Radio Shack I headed over to Trader Joe's. While I was loading my basket full of multiple cans of the same flavor of kitty food, another shopper shared with me her cats only like this particular flavor too. Then, a man walking down the aisle shared the same; his cat won't touch the other flavors either.
For whatever reason, my babies feel the same and have decided they prefer the Trader Joe's food over the more expensive tuna on rice with prawns Tiki Cat food from the vet.

So now I am trying to figure out what the heck is in that can of food that has all these cats being finicky? Is it MSG? Cat nip? Kitty cat crack? I won't be tasting it anytime soon but if one of ya' wants to, lemme know. I can hook you up and would be interested to know what you think a'right?
Upon leaving Trader Joe's I was drawn to the discount shoe mecca known as DSW. I'm glad I let my inner longing lead the way as I've been wanting a pair of sweater furry lined slippers that resemble my Uggs for a while now. Luck was on my side this fine, frigid, dark, winter night. Plus I had a $10.00 coupon so not only did I score, I scored big!
So very comfy and warm! Mars and
Fiwa have you been yet?
Once I arrived home, trudged up the stairs with multiple bags in hand, I talked to Mel, spoke with Kyla, made the decision to not get back on the roads and travel to Tyler's birthday party but rather join Mel and Big Suge for a movie and late dinner where we knew what the road conditions were like.
I promptly put my perishables away, fed the cats, and changed clothes. I put on a pair jeans with a camel colored sweater, slipped my tootsies into my Uggs and headed over to their place.

Yes, yet another hat, scarf, and glove combination.
{Shut it Ace. Remember you bought me scarves last year for Christmas.}
We went to see Yes Man followed by dinner at the
Ram Restaurant and Brewery.

In case you're wondering, we all enjoyed
Yes Man. I arrived home a little bit after midnight and rounded out the evening by talking with Ace for a while before heading to bed.
Another day full of love, laughter, and mini adventures in my world.
Peace and Love Peeps.