The day of the 4th found me tired. Really, really tired so I took a 5 hour nap once I arrived home.
See, the night before I did my sleep study at the hospital and slept very poorly. I'll do a post on that after I find out the results at tomorrow's appointment.
Just know the first thing I did - before the nap - was rub against a parking garage column. I was so focused on what was going on behind me, I failed to pay attention to what was going on in front of me.
After I did a small grr face and took a deep breath I headed home.

While I slept the wolf pack checked out a new joint. It was our sushi place that recently underwent renovations. They still serve sushi and pretty much every kind of Asian dish buffet style your heart can desire.
When I woke up and started calling them to see what was up, it was decided we would hop in the car with Fiwa's hubby for a field trip to the auto parts store.
It doesn't matter where we go or what we do, we have fun y'all.
After a successful auto parts shopping excursion, Mars and Fiwa's hubby left us. I was hungry like none other so Angie and Fiwa went with me to get my Pho on.
After that we did a quick drive through to pick up some chicken and sides so I could drop that grub off at our local firehouse.
On holidays I alternate between the po po and the firemen and bring them goodies on the holidays to thank them for keeping us safe.
This is the first year I haven't cooked, baked, or picked something up at CostCo and taken it to them. This was also the first year since I moved up here that someone went with me.
Of course they stayed in the car but they were along for the ride. Their loss as some serious eye candy was waiting inside. Mmmmhmmmm.
Once this was done we headed to my place for an assembly line of making extra invitations for V's upcoming birthday bash.
This was soon followed by a quick departure to change, pick up Angie's hubby, and off to the firework celebration we went to at our local park.
Once we set up "camp" a trip to the honey buckets and a mocha for Angie's hubby was in order.
The line for the mochas was long. Very, very long. Like a 30 minute wait time long. Fiwa dared me to cut in line.
No dare was needed. I'm the type, in case you didn't already know, that will make friends pretty much where ever I go. I'll talk to anyone about pretty much anything.
I strolled up to the line, approached a woman, and struck up a conversation. She promptly directed me to the back of the line. I should have paid better attention to her body language and known she was the wrong choice.
As I made way to the back of the line I saw the "Got Cerveza?" shirt and knew. I just knew that dude would be open to conversation. How right I was.
Allow me to introduce you to Rrrrrrrrrrricardo and David.
Rrrrrrrrrrricardo and I struck up a conversation. I found out he used to run karaoke at one of our local hot spots, that he also spent a a few seasons doing his very own Dangerous Catch fishing, and what he spends his days doing for a living now.
Oh and he also let me in on how enchiladas and fajitas are prepared at one of our Mexican 'straunts in these parts. SOY DECEPCIONADO.
As we talked about his Dangerous Catch days I pulled David into the conversation. It was at this point of the wait I found out he was from Cali, owned a vending machine business worldwide, and appreciated my making their wait that much more enjoyable.
Yeah, that's just how I roll.
Mocha in hand Angie, Fiwa, and I made our way back to "camp" and settled in Snuggie style to wait for the fireworks to start.
After the show we headed back to the car and said our good-byes until the morning.
It was a relaxing 4th and I am so very pleased I was able to spend it with loved ones.
I hope you were able to spend yours with your loved ones too.
Peace and Love Peeps.
For Tina: The glitter doesn't show very well in the picture but this is the final design. I would love for you to send me a card so get crackin'!