If you remember, I updated you earlier on the day's events for Saturday, November 10. This is the day we saved our calories and snarfed on the southern goodness of Southern Kitchen.
This is also the day I was snug as a bug when I was summoned from the comfort of bed after 10:00 PM to "Come On!" so I trekked to Seattle without any of my girls to meet Ace and the peeps he was out with.
What ended up happening was I put my contacts back in, switched purses, re-curled my hair, did my face, threw on a shirt, a pair of slacks, my knee high boots, my leather jacket and headed out.They were here. When Ace called the joint was not hopping. By the time I tried to find them (we'll get to this in a minute), it was packed and they were just about ready to go.
For the record, I do not parallel park. This is best for all of us mmmmkay?I failed, yes failed, this portion of my driving test back in the day. I have not mastered the act of backing in to park either. To back in and squeeze myself between two cars is not going to happen without some sort of damage occurring, lots of swearing, white knuckling, and some nervous sweats to boot.
This was not an issue when I lived in the South. Texans like their parking lots and parking garages.Here, especially on the streets of downtown Seattle, Capitol Hill, and Queen Anne, parallel parking is the norm.
Lets just say I drove past many open parallel parking spots on my quest to meet up with Ace and crew.I finally found a parking lot where others had parked, asked a few guys getting out of their SUV if they had parked there before (I didn't want to be towed), and went for it. I pulled my little friend up next to the dumpster and trekked up a hill on the way to find them at Havana.
Looking to and fro for the address that should have been easy enough to find (yea, right).See this picture, taken in the light of day, of the entrance to the club?
Find that in the dark of night. By the way, it is off the street too.
No markings. No signs. Little to no lights either. I was the one on the other side of the street asking everyone and their brother, "Do you know where Havana is?" Yea, good times I tell ya'.
Finally I called Ace and he was all like, "It is across the street." And y'all it was. But seriously, how I was supposed to find that if I had no idea of where it was?
So anywho, like I said before, by the time I got there and they assessed the situation (a long line to get in and a cover charge to be paid plus the alcohol they consumed and the dancing they were done doing), we headed out to get the 4th of meal.
Oh, all was not lost. Ace and I took a camera phone picture and sent T a happy birthday greeting from the parking lot.
Yes y'all, I drove up to Captiol Hill and then drove around to find a parking spot to walk up and down the same block at least a dozen times to pick the peeps up so we could go eat....AGAIN.
I'm not hating. I am just saying. We seriously ate our way through that weekend.
They all piled in my car so I could take them to their car. We headed over to the Westlake area, they got their car (Ace was sober so he was able drive), and we decided to head up to Queen Anne to eat at a place we had eaten at in January but weren't sure of the exact location. Last time we were there a cab dropped us off. We were buzzing way too much to pay attention to a detail like the name of the place let alone an address.
Somehow or another, after going down multiple streets and Ace breaking a few traffic laws along the way, we arrived at Mecca.
This was my selection of the night. Want to talk about some extra crispy taters? Those puppies were overdone. It's a good thing the meal was free because I love me some taters.
Burgers seemed to be the choice of the night. Ace, his cousin, and Anthony ordered one.
By the end of the weekend Ace's cousin was totally into taking the pictures. Don't you just love how he posed the ketchup for us?
Here is Anthony and his sister scarfing on their meal. Which they ordered and ate before we even got our food.
This would be why our meals were free. The cook needed a break. He was working a double. To his credit he asked us if we minded if he took a quick smoke break before cooking our meals.
We told him to go ahead thinking it would be just that. A quick break. Boy howdy were we wrong. Like I said though they made good at Mecca and our 4th meal was free.
This also gave me more time to torture the hungry peeps and take pictures. One of these days I will get a picture of Ace not goofing. Do you hear me Baby Jesus? Just one good one please.
After the bellies were full once again we went our separate ways and headed home.
Good times y'all. Good times.