Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Office Jokes

Okey dokey pokey.

Remember a few posts back when I said a rainy Friday afternoon was good for practical jokes around the office?

Here's our idea of fun and a quick run down of events for you.

Arrive back from Bath & Body Works, Qdoba, and Starbucks to find this on my desk.

Under the note? A real diaper filled with crushed jerky crisps.

You have to know how much of a commodity this stapler is to really grasp the situation.

It's no regular stapler. It's one of them heavy duty, industrial, relatively expensive beaotches all the boys use on a regular basis.

Steve loaned his to someone. That someone misplaced it.

All day Friday Steve was whining about his stapler.

Steve decides to make light of the situation and played the joke on the certain someone who originally lost the stapler.

In turn, that someone forwards the joke on to me. He places the note and the diaper on my desk.

We, in turn, got busy.

Isn't it amazing what a microwave and tootsie rolls can do?

We then decided to add some cheese sauce and nuts.

We're pretty proud of ourselves at this point. We think it looks pretty durn realistic.

We return the diaper back to the someone who lost the stapler in the first place and who put the diaper on my desk with a new note.

Little did we know he'd already left when we put it back in his office. The diaper spent the weekend in his office doing its thing.

To add to it, he was out of the office the following Monday and Tuesday. The cleaning crew didn't touch it. It spent all that time doing its thing like a real diaper would if you know what I mean.

Fun times I tell you.

Tomorrow? Hooka boots, soul sisters dressing alike, and the bus. Betcha' just can't wait huh?

Peace and Love Peeps.


Unknown said...

I totally wish my work was fun and I worked with fun people.

I have all hardasses. =(

You're too silly. !! =)

SuburbanMom said...

That is hilarious. Seriously makes me miss work. :)

Mo said...

On a daily basis I consider myself very fortunate and blessed to work with the peeps I do.

Makes it all that much better! The long hours bearable, the stress manageable...