Monday, October 29, 2007

Things Not to Say During an Interview


Hot Secretaries.
Peeps, I believe it goes without saying these are things you should not say during an interview.
But lo and behold, these words were spoken during an interview this morning.

Do you think the interviewee was passed along to the next round?

Um that would be NO.
In case you were wondering, I woke up with no foot pain this morning. However, it is back to hurting tonight so I will be calling in for an appointment tomorrow.
If you are participating in this week's challenge, don't forget about your vitamins and minerals too. I don't keep mine in the medicine cabinet and remembered to take inventory tonight.

I'll be adding calcium to the shopping list. Mine expired in December. I have not been taking them consistently so I think I will be ok.
Off to bed I go. I'm tired today and will be up kinda late tomorrow.
Why is that you ask?
This returns tomorrow.
Peace and Love Peeps.


kimmyk said...

OMG. I didn't know Nip Tuck was back on tonight. HOly hell.

Oh sorry to hear about your foot. I hope you keep it iced and put up. Rest your weary bones...they're tired of all that movin' about.

OMG. Nip/Tuck is back on....I have been waiting for a longgg time.

Feel better.

Mo said...

Holy Hell is right!

Thanks for the feeling better wishes.

Today was a much better day but then again, I didn't do much moving around. Still going to make an appointment.