Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekly Challenge #108

This time of the year most people are immersed in thinking about the holidays.

I start thinking about next year.

Don't get me wrong. I do think of the holidays. I celebrate. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of them all.

It is just this week has come to mean the next year planning for me.

Y'all knew I was a planner right?

After the food is put away and the football games are over you can most likely find me with the next year calendar in hand marking out my personal appointments.

What can I say? I like to be prepared.

For me, there is some sort of comfort in knowing I've taken care of the scheduling and I don't have to think about making those appointments month after month.

So, if you decide to participate in this week's challenge with me, allow me to suggest googling 2010 calendar. There are lots and lots of free options available.

Peace and Love Peeps.

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