Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thank You Santa

I arrived home last night to find this in front of my door.
It was a very much needed surprise and greatly appreciated bit of love coming my way after the week I have had thus far.

It may only be Wednesday but trust me, this has been a week

Yeah, one of those where the patience is thin and I've become a card carrying resident of crazyville.   
Since Santa said to open today, I did. 
Waiting for me was an absolutely adorable set of colored rollerball pens. 
Santa knows what this girl likes and will use over and over and over again.

Thank you Santa for thinking of me and knowing me so well.  I love you. 

Peace, Love, Laughter, and Soul Y'all.   


Cheryl said...

Santa knows you well! Aren't surprises great?

fiwa said...

How cool! Wonder who it is? Veronica or Chip? Do you recognize the handwriting?

fiwa said...

LOL! I just realized the background music is Ring of Fire!

Unknown said...

I know who it was.