Wednesday, January 02, 2013


Have you heard the buzz about happiness jars?

From what I gather, it is an idea by Elizabeth Gilbert, that is rapidly turning into a movement. 

Take a jar.

Fill it with inspiration, joy, tiny bits of paper of things that make you happy.

We're on the bandwagon around these parts.

My bestie Fiwa gifted a jar to start the movement going the day of the Festivus party. 

My jar is more of a clear vase but let's not get caught up on the details too much shall we.

What matters is it works in my decor, the jar/vase fits my personal taste, and the start of the project is underway.   

The first bit of happiness, joy, blessings, etc. was captured today.    

It went a little bit something like this on a piece of paper

Sleep  Smuggles with Lucky  Pot Pie  Black Eye Peas "Revenge" on Netflix

Representation of my day.  Simple pleasures.  Good ole fashioned comfort food and traditions while continuing to recover from the flu.

Shall be interesting to reflect at the end of this year on what I deemed jar worthy. 

Peace.  xoxo Mo    

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