Monday, April 03, 2006


I had one of those days where the patience was wearing thin. Let's start off with what was wrong because I'd really like to end my evening on a positive note.

Hey rude neighbor dude! Tell your friend, co-worker, ride....whatever the heck is in that blue car not to honk at the god forsaken hour of 4:00 AM. Be sensitive to your neighbors sleeping for the love of god. If you know you are going to be picked up that early, have the freaking decency to wait outside please. Most of the time I sleep through this but I know you get picked up around this time Monday - Friday and your freak of a ride honks - every freaking day at 4:00 AM.

Love kitty will you please let your mama sleep past 5:00 AM on a regular basis? The kitty cat crack isn't going anywhere I promise. It's going to be there at 5:00 AM, it's going to be there at 5:30 AM, it's going to be there. Trust me. I make sure we have an endless supply on hand. Your needs will be met. If you continue to wake me up at the butt crack of dawn, I will proceed to thrust the pill down your throat and deny you of the pleasure you seek so much. Try me sister. Just try me.

Oh toilet s hook, why did you choose this morning of all mornings to fall off and break? What a great way to continue the rough start to the day. Sticking my hand in the toilet (rubber gloved at least) in a cold water tank is no fun, no matter what time of the day it is.

People if you see me running around like a chicken with my head cut off and have the audacity to say, "Wow, you're really in a hurry today!", don't expect me to play nice and find out how your weekend was. You can obviously see I am busy and am on a mission. Show a little bit of love and respect ok? I'm touched you want to share with me and see how my weekend was but when I say I have two conflicting deadlines today, can you take a wee bit of a hint? Oh, and don't call me on my cell when you see my door is shut and I am obviously letting your knocks and calls go unnoticed. Nothing is that important that it can't wait until later in the day. Please don't stand outside my space and say, "I know you're in there. I can hear you typing, I see your car in the parking lot, I can smell you." I'm trying to get some work done. Drop me an email, leave a voice mail, send me a text message...anything but hunt me down to say hi when you see me on a deadline.

Oh scanner. Why today of all days did you decide to die? Just what I wanted. Deadline and dead scanner. Are you for real? Is the universe against me or what?

Rain oh rain...won't you go away and come back some other day? It's bad enough it's Monday, we lost a hour of sleep, and my day has been hectic. Now you go and add rain to the mix. Not just a little bit of rain. A whole lotta rain. Texas type rain. Rain.

Now, onward to what was good.

Banana-pineapple smoothie for breakfast. A pre-made spinach salad for lunch and a slamming fruit salad for an afternoon snack. Kitties first thing in the morning and all through the day. People in my life who want to take a few minutes to check in, to share, who enjoy my company enough to want to share. A broken down scanner forcing me to slow down as well as giving me the chance to break out of the office for a few hours and work from home. Meeting the deadlines. The rain for a breathtaking rainbow. A peaceful night.

Life really is good.

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