Sunday, April 02, 2006

Snap, Crackle, Pop

I am officially a rice crispy treat. I woke up this morning, minus one hour of sleep (thank you Daylight Savings), to some snapping, some cracking, some popping. It so totally sucks getting old and being mean to my body doesn’t help either.

Post morning pee, I did about 30 minutes of stretching and yoga, looked outside and decided it was a perfect morning for a hike. Many others had the same idea as the trail near my place was packed. Normally, I see about five other people. Not today. There must have been about 15 of us hiking, sweating, and kicking that trail’s ass. It’s a tough 2 miles. No matter how many times I do it, I tend to forget how tough the inclines and declines can be. Of course, being out of shape doesn’t help. But I hung in there, puffed a little, sweat a lot, and finished it like the champ I am. LOL.

From there, I hit the grocery store. Ya’ know, there is something wrong when you pick up fresh fruit, veggies, yogurt, sandwich meat, soy milk, juice, and some cheese and the bill is over $65.00. It’s no wonder more and more people are eating the processed, frozen crap. It’s cheaper, there are coupons, and of course, you don’t have to prepare it. Simply throw it in the microwave or oven and viola, food prep done.

From the grocery store, I settled in to fix a mega spinach salad and fruit salad I can munch on for the next 3 days. Small blessings. I am home for the next three days! I can fix yogurt smoothies in the morning, I can eat fresh veggies and fruits throughout the day, and I can fire up the grill in the evenings providing I get home from the office and gym at a decent time. Oh, wait. We get an extra hour of daylight now don’t we? Yesssssss, grilled halibut and chicken are in this gal’s future.

Am I the only one who enjoys cutting up onions, peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, squash, zucchini, ‘maters, cilantro, strawberries, apples, and grapes? There is something comforting, for me at least, to have the tunes playing, knife in hand, chopping away. Plus, it makes it so much easier to pre-prepare the salads on a Sunday afternoon than to attempt to do one each day.

Rest of the day, I need to do laundry, light clean, and get my butt in bed at a decent time. I have an extremely busy next couple of days ahead of me. Staying up until the wee hours won’t do me any good so I best get to it huh?


Mo said...

I'm organized to a fault. I say to a fault because if one thing gets off schedule or I don't follow a pre-made list (i.e., packing list for suitcase, critical path for a work project, hair appts, etc.), I can be completely thrown off.

Guilty as noted. Everything in my space, work, car, home, suitcase, etc., does have it's place and is clean.

I don't have OCD. I just like things to go back where I put them and for them to be clean. Drives some special people in my life nuts from time to time but mostly they get a good laugh out of me.

Having the trail nearby is fantastic.

I hope you have a nice day tomorrow too.

annabkrr said...

I bent down on the hardwood floors to play blocks with A. this morning and I'm still trying to get the feeling back in my knees. Not to mention when I took my out of shape ass to play outside last weekend with Ri. Literally, my BUTT WAS SORE all week.

How depressing. :)

Grocery stores are nothing less than thieves. Every time I go I walk around muttering obscenities under my breath and swear I'm going to figure out a way to live without eating. Damn bastards.

Glad your home. You can call me!