Do you take advantage of what your area has to offer?
What I mean by this is do you treat your city, your town, your state as if you were a tourist on vacation?
Reflect on this for a minute.
Are there places you would like to go to but just haven't found the time to do so?
Are there attractions you'd like to visit but haven't?
I challenge you to do so this week.
Grab a group of friends, the family, or just yourself and GO.
It can be local. It can a mini road trip. Just do it!
My peeps (T, Snookums, Maricel, and J) try to do what I like to refer to as an adult field trip on a regular basis.
Earlier this month we spent a Sunday with Flat Stanley in Seattle. I know, I know. Bad Mo. I need to post those pictures and write about the day.
Today we are going here.
What are some of the attractions, places, etc. you could visit?
You should have the perfect day for it - the weather is supposed to be wonderful! I hope you enjoy it.
I love to take mini roadtrips too, perhaps there is something about Seattle that makes us feel that way?
My favorite so far is Whidbey Island.
omg, I totally don't have time to sightsee, but I'll try...
I live in one of the most historic places on earth. Shame on me.
We're pretty spoiled here being basically only an hour away from the ocean or mountains. This is a good reminder to get out there. Now if someone would turn off the rain...
I'm guilty of living so close to 3 major cities and hardly ever going there. I plan to change that. The festival must have been amazing. I wonder if it looks anything like Holland there?
I live in an awful place though. But I am headed up your way this fall. Get ready for me!!
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