Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Blessing or Darn Shame?

Have you ever been to Ikea and spent less than $10.00? Ever? You have? Seriously?

Sunday was a first for me and my pal Ace. I haven't decided if it was a disappointment or a blessing.

I was all excited. I mean come on. This is Ikea we're talking about. Deals everywhere. Fun stuff. Decorating on a budget. Feel me?

The 2007 catalog showed up in the mail this week. I felt we had to make a trip.

Here's our stash. Between both of us.

Do you see that? The basket isn't even full. We each spent less than $8.00. No trying to figure out how we'd get everything home. The bag was tiny. The purchases were practical for goodness sakes.

To make it to a $10.00 spend and to drown our Ikea sorrow, we chowed on this.

Can the Renton Ikea just hurry up and finish with the remodel? We need our mojo back not to mention new rugs.


SuburbanMom said...

Yup. The last two times I went to Ikea, I spent next to nothing. I think once you have a lot of want less crap.

Mo said...

Can you believe it? No meatballs! And now they sell them in a freezer bag along with the fixings.

I think you are on to something.