The last few days have been reminders to go with the flow.
To not push things.
That laughter can be the best option of all.
See, it all started with changing my flight from Monday to Tuesday.
I should have seen the writing on the wall from the get go.
The booking agent/engine we are required to use was unable to assign me a seat when the reservation was changed.
Then, the night before I was scheduled to fly out, I was unable to check in via the web.
I figured it had something to do with the changes made.
I had a horrible time getting up Tuesday morning. I bet you would too if you hadn't gone to bed until after 1:00 AM and the alarm went ring a ling at 3:30 AM. For the record, 6:15 AM flights are not my friend.
I finally dragged myself out of bed, jumped in the shower, got ready, and took off for the airport. I arrived at my local offsite parking and flagged down my usual early morning shuttle driver Nick. He was on the way out of the parking lot and there was no way I was going to wait around for the next van if I didn't have to.
I received some funny looks when Nick and I greeted each other like old friends, which by this stage of the game, we are.
I usually fly a certain airline and my new flight showed it was with them so I jumped off the van at the location closest to where I would be able to check in. I proceeded to the kiosk and attempted to check in.
No such luck. The reservation was not found. I went to stand in line to speak with an agent and start thinking I am cutting it pretty close, especially since the airport is full of spring breakers. I hand her my license and she proceeds to tell me there is no such reservation for me.
Uh oh.
I reach into my briefcase. I pull out my revised itinerary. I read the details. I notice I am at the wrong airline.
In my defense the airline I was at did show as being part of the revised flight info.
I smile in embarrassment, thank her, wish her a good day, and book it, and I mean book it, down the airport to the kiosk I was supposed to be checking in at.
Way down at the other end of the airport by the way. For those of you familiar with SeaTac I was at the Alaska terminal and needed to be at Delta.
I stand in the craziest kiosk check in madhouse I've seen in a very long time and finally get the correct check in process started.
It can't find my reservation by the flight number. I think to myself, "Oh lord please help me now. I have about thirty minutes to get checked in and get to the gate."
I take a deep breath and enter in my last name. Score. The system finds me and I see the beautiful words, "Checking you in...".
Then, an agent for this airline calls my name. He's holding my luggage sticky tag. The screen still says "Checking you in..." with no boarding pass being printed.
I charge up to the counter and tell him I didn't get a boarding pass. He looks at me like I have three heads and proceeds to tell me that is impossible.
I look right back at him, with a smile, and tell him, it is possible. He scrunches his face up and furiously starts to type. Then, as if on cue, says "I've never seen this before."
Great. Just great. Now we are down to twenty minutes and counting for take off.
Finally, after consultation with his co-worker, I get a boarding pass and have my bag checked.
I make a mad dash to the security check point. Thankfully, I have this down to a science.
As if I didn't need more aggravation, I realize my gate is all the way on the other side of the terminal.
Uh oh.
I take a deep breath and get to power walking. I arrive at the gate, sweaty, but in time to board.
I discover I am sandwiched, and I mean sandwiched, between two large men. The only saving grace was both men were fellow road warriors so once we settled in, there was no need for small talk. Respect was given across the board. At some point we all fell into twilight sleep.
Upon arrival to my destination things took a turn for the good. I did start dragging as the day progressed but pushed through like a champ. What choice do I have?
I slept ok, once I finally was able to shut things down for the night.
Thinking the hotel, like all the others from the same chain I stay at has at least a treadmill, the alarms went off nice and early. I got dressed, grabbed my iPod, and headed down to the lobby. Never once did I think to check the night before as to where the gym is.
Y'all want to guess what happens next?
Yep, no gym on site. I can get a pass for a local gym about ten minutes away. Um, no thank you. I know there is no way my co-worker is up at the ungodly hour to get the rental car keys from so I head back to the room and decide to go back to sleep.
Once I am up and about and about to put the finishing touches on my hair I realize I didn't pack hairspray. I call my co-worker and luckily he has some I can borrow.
Yes, I said he. He was on another floor so I made the trek to his floor, quickly grabbed the bottle from outside of his door, and did my thing.
But not before I got some strange looks for riding the elevator with curlers in hair and no shoes on.
I finished getting ready and went for breakfast. I pop the top off of my yogurt and splat! Yogurt all over my wool sweater.
Oh yea boys and girls. We are off to a great start aren't we?
We head to the office and luckily it was smooth sailing. Until I arrive back at the hotel that is. I have a really bad habit of demagnetizing my key cards. Today was no exception.
I head downstairs. The front desk clerk reactivates the key card. I make my way back to my room.
I head back down and request it be reactivated. At this point, I'm getting that crazy stink eye look.
I head back up and I guess what they say about the third time being the charm is true because the light goes green and in I walk.
I am on pins and needles to see what tomorrow has in store for me...
Perfect blog title, I'd say. I hope it's smooth sailing from this point on. I'd say what else could go wrong, but that would be tempting fate and we don't want to do that.
This makes me so happy that I no longer have to travel for business. Someday I'll tell you the story of the time my company sent me on a trip that was just like the movie Deliverance. - Made me a homebody!
Holy cow...hope the rest of your trip is better!
Remember...in parts...break it down lady...
Hope all is better now!!
I am exhausted after reading this.
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