Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Better Day

This is for all who sent me wishes for a better day, sent hugs, gave me hugs, and for all the other actions you did without me knowing.

Yesterday, once I had my mug of tea, took some deep breaths, and centered myself was better. It was still full of too much to do and the desire to snuggle in my bed but better nonetheless.
It was a long day and I probably ruined the wonderful massage Maricel gave me Tuesday night by sitting at my desk until after 7:15 PM, then getting in my car, and sitting in a booth with Kyla for dinner at Azteca last night.
Sorry Mars. I am better than I was before I saw you so all is not lost.
Today I took a little bit of me time and slept in. It was wonderful to turn the alarm off at 5:30 AM and reset it for 7:00 AM.
It is Thursday and I am in town so you know what that means right? I committed to doing happy hour. Do you sense a bit of hesitation? If so, you are right. I would like to stay in tonight instead but I know once I am there, it will be good for the soul.
I hope things are good in your world.
Peace and Love Peeps.


kimmyk said...

i hope you had a good nite out for happy hour.

tea is like a liquid miracle isn't it? i only say that because i am on my second cup reading through blogs. does the body good.

wendy said...

You're so funny, happy hour is a MUST for the soul ;-) Actually, I tend to think sleep is, but hey, to each his own.

You sound better, and today is Friday, so I hope you have some downtime planned for the weekend.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're on the mend...and, I have to say: COOL PHOTO! Take care and best wishes to full recovery (and parties) soon!