You know by now last Tuesday Maricel, Ace, and I went to Seattle for a comedy competition at the Comedy Underground in downtown Seattle.
What I didn't tell you is Ace left his wallet in my car on accident Tuesday night.
There I am Wednesday morning getting ready for work. My cell rings at 7:00 AM on the dot. Ace needed me to check to see if indeed he had left it in my car. I trekked downstairs, searched high and lo, and was just about to give up when I saw it wedged between the door and seat. Behold the wallet!
I called him back, shared the good news, and we both went about our days. I figured we would meet up after work at some point.
Little did I know I would end up heading back over to Bremerton and having dinner with him, M2, and her hubby.
I dashed home, picked up the wallet, and headed out. After traffic delays, I picked Ace up at his place.
Let me just say walking up and down a Washington hill in 4 inch heels is not easy, can lead to calf cramps, and someone telling you to wear 3 inch heels next time.
Ok, so I know that wasn't the brightest move on my part but he called me lazy when I said I would wait for him in the car outside the gate. That sounded like a challenge to me so I went for it. Next time I will wait in the car, lazy or not.
We headed over to the Bremerton waterfront for dinner here. For those who don't care for seafood pictures, there are a few below.
I apologize for the lighting in the pictures. I couldn't seem to get it right this night for some reason.
This is a one of the lights hanging in the restaurant and was directly in my view during dinner. It totally captivated me.
Don't you love bread? Carbs go straight to waistline and other places but I am not at the point of denying myself the small pleasure of it's yeasty goodness.

You know by now we also like to have drinks from time to time.
My desire was for a crisp glass of Sauvignon Blanc. I let the waiter, Matt, select which one. His choice was right on as it paired perfectly with my dinner selection.

M2's surf and turf. She later had to send the steak back as it was overcooked. Her lobster was just right though. Her hubby had surf and turf too but opted for tempura prawns versus lobster. His dead cow was good to go.

I opted for the lobster special and convinced Matt it would be in their best interest to make my lobster "user friendly". "User friendly" means taking the meat out of the shell before bringing it to the table.
Otherwise, no matter how easy it might be to get it out of the shell, bits of lobster might be flying here, there, and everywhere.
I readily admit it. I am messy like that. I may use a fork and knife to eat pretty much everything but I manage to still make a mess.
As you can see, he complied with the request and we were all thankful he did.
Ace doesn't care for seafood so he chose a burger and fries. Isn't the wrapping so pretty? Just like a little gift wrapped nicely for him come Christmas morning.

Midway through the meal M2's hubby finished his mojito and wanted to try a new drink. He left the decision up to Matt and the bartender. Matt said he would make sure it would be something feisty.
I am not sure a surfer on acid qualifies as feisty but this is what he got and ended up not really caring for the selection.
I have had a surfer on acid before but it didn't taste too much like this one did. What it tasted like to me was when you lick someone's back after the suntan oil/lotion has settled in and been sunbaked for a little bit.
Do you see that? What's that you ask? Look again. That's me in the corner of your eye waving my freak flag.
Apparently, even though we are all from the south, I am the only one who has licked someone with a bit of sunbaked lotion/oil on the skin.
At this point we found out something about Ace that disappoints me. We will get to that in a moment.
We decided to ask Matt if he had tasted suntan oil/lotion on the skin. He hadn't either and god bless him, he didn't miss a beat when the question was asked or when humoring us with an answer.
No blushing. No nervous laughter. No running away from the table as soon as he could. Secretly I bet he has his own freak flag waving in the wind too.
Remember how M2's cow wasn't cooked as ordered? The restaurant said dessert was on them as a result. They selected a slice of pumpkin cheesecake.
I ordered a piece of pumpkin cheesecake too. It was very sweet, almost too sweet, but good. I kinda strong-armed Ace into sharing it with me. I think his favorite part was the peanut brittle.

We also used the forks in a display of not quite good etiquette but in the spirit of flag waving discussion. Who needs a book when you have food to play with?
Once again, Matt hung in there and took our inappropriateness in stride.
We paid our bills and headed out but not before some more pictures were taken.
Here are Ace and M2's husband.
In case you wondered how Ace and I became friends, it was through these fine folks.
My ex and I used to live above them. Through the years and miles separating us, we have maintained a friendship.
Now allow me to go onward to the disappointing factoid we learned over dinner.
You know him as Ace. You've heard him referred to as Dark Chocolate. We lovingly call him McChocolately.
Allow me to introduce you to The Utensil.
Before y'all go on hating, he knows I am calling him out.
So there we are at dinner and during the course of conversation he shares with us he is the type of lover, because he has body parts that hurt and high blood pressure, that he lets his utensil and the woman do all the work. Since he is that good, he can do this.
He lays there and enjoys the ride but not on his bed. It might interrupt the sheet cleaning schedule. And y'all thought I was bad?
He will dirty up her sheets or get busy on the couch or floor but his bed is off limits to all except for him and Murph.
I'm disappointed on a few different levels but appreciative of the clean sheets.
Peace and Love Peeps.
Where were all those hot dude's at when I was up there?
WOW, Bremerton has changed! What do we do with all those jokes?? Please tell me the Bremaloes still wander freely...
They were around. We were being good wifeys.
You are telling me. I almost don't know my way around there anymore so much has changed on the waterfront.
I would love to tell you I see Bremaloes but each time I have been over, I haven't seen any.
I am sure they still exist though. No amount of revitalization will drive those babies out.
Bremaloes! HA...I haven't thought about that word in years.
So funny!
I should have been a
I just noticed I got my model squint on.
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