I'm trying y'all.
Really I am.
I keep telling myself to think happy thoughts.
To block it out.
To put myself in the "shoes" of the others.
What others you might be asking yourself.
Those would be the neighbor's dog right this moment.
Last night it was the peeps at MasterPark lot B.
I'm up nice and early this morning to get some work done prior to a conference call. I hear neighbor dude leave at his normal 7:30 AM departure time.
His dang dog has been barking incessantly since.
Hey little buddy. Daddy left. Please go lie down and shut the eff up. By now, 45 minutes later, you must need a drink of water or something. I understand you miss your poppa but you are pissing me off. Royally. It is too early for me to play music over your barking so I am begging you through the walls that separate us to GIVE it a REST!
*Mo takes deep breath and attempts to center herself this fine Friday morning*
So there is one rant.
Here's the other one.
I arrive last night at my local offsite airport parking. Random dude on the shuttle decides we need to discuss if the company he works for is bigger than mine.
Really? Here is a hint. I don't care!
Y'all he would not let it go. It was like this was mission critical. I am sure he was trying to make small talk.
So to random dude on the full ass shuttle last night, I am sorry you didn't have fun at your convention. I make no apologies for the fun I had and continue to have when I travel. Don't hate because I was on my way to Thirsty Thursday activity and you were going home. Alone.
I bet he is looking up the portfolio of his company and trying to compare it to my company today to determine which corporation is bigger.
Next part of this rant is I exit the shuttle to go pay for the parking and pick up my car. I am the second person off the bus so to speak.
I pay. I have to fill out my mileage reimbursement/air miles form because for some reason my VIP information isn't in the computer like normal. Um, excuse me? I am here all the freaking time, so much so you know me by name, and you don't have my info retained? Whateva'.
Then I wait. And wait. And wait some more.
Everyone who was on my shuttle has since paid and gone. Another shuttle full of people arrives. They pay and depart.
There I am. Standing outside waiting for my car. At this point I feel my blood pressure start to rise.
Finally someone comes to ask for my receipt so they can check on my car. We're about fifteen minutes into the wait at this point.
Fast forward another five minutes. Still no car.
Another attendant comes by. She asks for my receipt. At this point I am like seriously people?
Then, another attendant comes out, shows me my keys, and asks if these are my keys. Through gritted teeth I reply yes and off they go to retrieve my car.
To add insult to injury, I am standing near the entrance and when they retrieve my car, it is parked at the furthest point away from where I am.
And no one offers to put my suitcase in my rig.
As I am walking in a huff to my car I ask what the hold up was and the reply I receive is "Someone moved your car today and we didn't know where it was."
Really? That is some great customer service and fantastic valet action going on.
It is a good thing this is the first time this has happened or I might be inclined to raise some hell. Instead I threw my suitcase, backpack, and purse in my car, cranked up the tunes, proceeded to yell/sing and headed off to meet Maricel for Thirsty Thursday.
Hopefully today will be better. The dog has finally hushed up and since I just ranted, I am starting to feel better.
Peace and Love Peeps.
I feel for you...I truly do. My next door neighbor's dog will bark sometimes for 2-3 hours...NON-STOP. She finally offered to give me a house key and said, "if she's barking you can put her in the garage, but please make sure her pen is up. Or you can put her in the house, but please put the baby gate is up and make sure she can't go upstairs." Huh? Why the f*ck is that my job? Maybe your dog needs a bark collar or needs to be kept inside or have her vocal cords removed (too harsh? sorry).
So long story short, this is a huge peeve of mine (and yes, I have a dog too) and I feel for you. :)
There is nothing worse than inconsiderate neighbors - they can really make life a pain.
Do you ever take SuperShuttle to/from the airport? I take them sometimes, and while I love that they are always on time, and I rarely have to share the shuttle, I ALWAYS seem to get a chatty cathy driver. I am not a chatty person by nature, and that just drives me nuts. Specially since it's usually 4:30 in the morning that they're picking me up....
Happy Friday! Hope you can get out there and enjoy the sun while we have it.
Glad to hear your home safe and sound. What is this Thirsty Thursday you speak of ?
Sounds very interesting.
Bored at work here, I finished my work for the week yesterday, so it's a day of Blogging for me, well except for the pesky telephone. Have a great weekend !
I'm glad you're home safe and sound. I know this sounds confusing but go to summer's blog and then email me.
i'm always afraid my dogs barking bothers my neighbors we bought bark collars...i dont like using them but they help so i guess that's all that matters.
maybe slip a note under the door? you could church it up real cute like with a doggie on the front of the card and like i dont know...you're crafty you'll figure something out.
i'm always afraid when i give my keys to the valet i dont know---visions of ferris beuhler's day off float through my brain....y'know when the valet takes off in the car for a long joy ride? yeah..no thanks.
As I right this, my awful neighbors annoying weiner dogs are going crazy yelping. They put them in a pen way right beside our bedroom and they drive us insane. Me and AB are thinking of ways to kill them.
So who was driving in your car and where'd they drive it to? Sheesh.
Is it wrong for me to take comfort in the fact that some of you deal with this and this morning nice and early I said good morning to my neighbor and he didn't reply, hid his head in the door and then scooted in as fast as he could?
I know he knows about the puppy barking. It would add insult to injury if I made a deal out of this. I just feel better having gotten it off of my chest.
Fiwa, I have not used the shuttle. I probably should look into it but there is something about having the flexibility of my car that is ever so appealing to me.
Brad, Thirsty Thursday is Thursday night happy hour.
Caroline, On my way...
Kim, Too funny. I don't think anyone would want to take my little outdated SUV for a joy ride.
Anna, I hear ya!
I love your way with words. Your rants are so much better than mine. I wish I could join you on one of your Thurdsay's out.
Happy Sunday!
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