Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Quick Rant

Either I am way up to date on music downloads or there simply isn't crap out there.

A shout out to the artists out there: Get goin' in the studio. Drop some new stuff. This girl has road tripping needs and lord knows I don't have an ounce of musical talent. I appreciate all you do. Can ya' help a sista'?

On the spur of the moment at Target last night I snapped up a new digital. No research done. Shocker I know.

It's a Canon Power Shot SD1000 Elph. It is super slim and small. Just the way I like my camera for on the go.

I figure Dick (my other Canon Elph...some of ya' remember him well don'tcha'?) never did me wrong so I was safe to buy this one "sight" unseen. It has 7.1 mega pixels, a 3x optical zoom, and a 2.5 LCD - all of which are improved from the previous on the go digi.

Now I just have to figure the dang thing out. I have packed the user manual and figure that will be my light reading material tonight in the hotel.

Hopefully my trip across the mountains will yield photo opportunities today and tomorrow.

Speaking of which, I am running behind since I stayed up late making mix cd's and playing with the new digital so I gots to go.

Laters taters.

Peace and Love.


kimmyk said...

Ok so we better start seeing some photos up in here baby girl!! And if they're nudies of hot men well then so be it.

Hope you have a great day!

I don't have any tunes on constant rotation right now except Elliott Yamin's "Wait for You"...other than that? Empty pockets my friend.

Mo said...

You can count on photos. I have been going crazy not being able to take snapshots of my days.

I was too tired tonight to read the new digi's manual but I did snap a few shots from the hotel balcony.

By the end of the weekend, I will have the software installed and photos will commence!

Hope you had a good day too.