Saturday, August 23, 2008

So Far

After work yesterday I had dinner with a friend, ran into a few more (seems to happen at my Cheers) and watched the football game.

The Cowboys won. By one point. It is still preseason but a win is a win.

Afterward I called it an early night, curled into bed with the kitties, and read. A great way to end the day.

This morning I woke up at the butt crack of dawn. No alarm needed. 5:30 AM. Hello.

I fought it. I rolled back over. Pulled the sheet over my head. Willed myself to fall back asleep.

My body was having no part of it. Time to rise and shine.

I made myself a pineapple, mango, peach yogurt with OJ smoothie. Yummy! Just for the record, these pictures were taken in July but what you're seeing is a total representation from this morning. I tend to not stray from the norm once I find a smoothie combo I like.

I've fed the kitties. I've thrown a load of laundry in. I watched a few DVR'ed shows.

Next up? I'm heading out for a walk on the boardwalk.

With cardio out of the way, I'll more than likely head to the gym to lift. I've been not so happy with my present level of physical fitness, or lack thereof I should say, so I'm stepping up my game.

If the babies were eating more I would be heading up to Mount Rainier for a hike with T and Snookums. I was supposed to be camping there this weekend but the babies come first.

Whatcha' got going on today? Anything exciting? Chilling? Talk to me. I am interested.

Peace and Love Peeps.


CrystalChick said...

mmm... I miss smoothies... whyohwhy did I get out of the habit of making them.

I worked today on some Irish greeting cards and earrings for a Celtic Fair. Nursing a summer cold/sinus infection. And my son and I met my girlfriend at Barnes for cocoa and chitchat.
How interesting is all THAT?? NOT.
Happy weekend.

fiwa said...

Oooh... that smoothie looks good. Maybe I'll give that a try.

I'm sorry you're missing your camping trip. You know, I can't bring the kitties home with me because of Madame Bitsy, but if you ever want me to pop by and look in on them for you - you know it would be no hardship.

love & stuff -

Cheryl said...

Here's how I make my smoothies: frozen TJ's strawberries, mangos and pineapple with half a frozen banana, milk and a splenda. Yum!

I really want to visit your coast. I know I keep saying that. I'm afraid to fly, though, and you're far, far away.

kimmyk said...

how pretty your pier.

yummy smoothie too!!!!

i did a whole bunch of nothing this weekend with family. it was fun...but tiring!

Brad said...

The beach piture kinda looks like you snuck into 'The Truman Show'. Figures you'd be in color.

Mo said...

Mmmm, smoothies are the best!!! I definitely make more of them with the magic bullet than with the blender.

Mary, Your day sounds wonderful. Restful. Low key. Creative. Good for the soul.

Cheryl, Your smoothie sounds like a burst of flavor!

Fiwa, Thanks sweetness. Princecss is eating and keeping it down this weekend. I think the heat played a part in hers for sure. If I keep Jasmine on point she eats. ADD in kitties does exist.

Kimmy, Get some rest and yay for time with the family!

I wish you weren't afraid to fly.

Brad, Some random lady didn't even know I took her picture and put her live in living color. Nice reference to the Truman show.

Mo said...

Oops, the afraid to fly comment was for Cheryl, not Kimmy.

Unknown said...

The sunset pic has me missing Wa again. That's a good pic. Wait til Paolo sees that one.