See, the only thing wrong with my wireless connection was at some point in time I turned off the signal. The switch was moved to the off position. That is all peeps. Off.
Yea, I am a smart one huh? At least I let boss man, in his words, feel like a genius today.
I would love to update you on the things I need and want to but people, I am TIRED. Two days in a row I have been up at 3:30 AM to make an early flight.
Here's how the last few days have gone. I got stuck behind a gnarly accident Monday morning. I got to the airport with only 30 minutes to spare. No boarding pass issued so I spent about ten minutes on the phone with our company's travel agency to explore options only to find out there really were none unless I wanted to spend three hours in another airport and get in after 7:00 PM. Considering I was scheduled to depart at 6:28 AM, this did not sound appealing.
I rebooked to fly out at 6:10 AM this morning. Today I made to the airport with plenty of time to spare. But, and you knew there would be a but right? The plane sat on the tarmac for almost an entire hour. Without air. It was stiffling hot. I was sweating. My hair went flat. The guy behind me started to smell. And when it was all said and done I ran my arse through the Salt Lake airport trying to make my connection only to find out I missed it.
The good news is I was able to get on the next flight to Boise and my checked bag arrived with me.
For the record, I don't like connections. I try to avoid them at all costs. I am a direct flight kind of girl but this trip was booked last minute so I had to go with what I could get.
Oh, and I about had to check the dude next to me being rebooked by the Delta agent. Um buddy it is not her fault we were delayed. She gave you three different options to choose from. Any seat is a good seat. Pick one and quit being a jerk.
Another bit of advice I'd like to share with those who don't fly/travel too much. There will be another flight if you miss the one you are scheduled to be on. Do not take it out on the poor airline personnel. It is not their fault. They are there to assist you with your needs, not to take your s*** when things go awry. Cut them some slack. And for the love that is all and good and right in the world, take a breath and chill. It's not worth getting upset about. Really. It can be unsettling and a pain in the you know what but take it in stride because you are alive and working yourself into a tizzy won't change the situation.
With that being said, I finally arrived in Boise one hour and half later than originally planned. We promptly headed to the local bbq joint, the Goodwood. This joint reminds me of Texas with a capital R. What is a southern girl to order for lunch? The bbq brisket sandwich of course with a side salad and a big ole glass of ice tea. Yum-O!
From there I spent the day auditing. Fun times I tell you. More of that to come tomorrow too.
We checked into the hotel, freshened up, and headed to dinner here. Another reminder of home. Boss man and I split an order of chicken fajitas.
After dinner, we came back to the hotel and I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes, jumped in the shower, downloaded some reports, checked my email, and now I am spending a minute or two updating ya' on what has been going on with me. Everything is good. Things have not gone as planned but all in all, life is good.
I am a little bummed though. Since I missed my flight Monday I won't be taking in a Mariner's game Wednesday night as planned. In the grand scheme of things, this is probably a good thing. I have to be up at the crack of dawn Thursday too to take a day trip up north.
Hope things are good where you are. I have not really had a chance to check in on everyone's blogs. I am looking to catch up on this Friday night. Miss you. Love you. Mean it.
For now I am shutting down operations and crawling into bed. 5:00 AM will be here before I know it.
Peace and Love Peeps.
I bet boss man was feeling pretty genius-like. That's hysterical.
The dude behind you really started to smell AND your hair was flat? Miserable!!! I love the details though. =)
Hope the trip home goes a little more seamlessly. ;-)
I think that operating a computer should be more like getting a drivers license.
Yep. Boss man and I are tight like that. We split a huge chicken burrito at the airport too.
I have to say I am blessed to work with some great people. Of course, I'm pretty cool too so it makes it easier for all of us to get along. Ha. I crack myself up.
We love like a family. We fight like a family. And we work like the professionals we are.
Blessings baby. Blessings.
Oh and when we travel together as much as we do, if we didn't get along and have a sense of ease, we would be in BAD shape.
Planning a trip sounds like a plan.
You are right. It can be lonely in the hotel rooms at night but honestly I am working most all of the time so it passes quickly. Also, thank goodness for wireless internet access.
You got it by the way. The capital R was for roadhouse. A little bit redneck too I suppose.
Wendy, Had another delay on the way home but at least it was only fifteen minutes and there was air!
Ace, I think you might be on to something. I think I would fail if I had to take it right now unless we are talking about how to use microsoft office.
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