Sunday, July 30, 2006

Get Your Reading On

From the road posts are all down below for your enjoyment.

I have more to share, activity post from the road, but I think this is good for the day. I recommend starting with road warrior part 1 and working your way up to part 3.

Know how I have been complaining it's been hot around here lately? Well, I'm whining because it's cold today. I actually have goose bumps. It can't be more than 55 right now. Feels like fall.

This is a good thing. I can actually clean today and not be dripping in sweat but goose bumps? In July? What a difference a week can make.

I'm off to do laundry, clean up the place, run a few errands...blah blah blah. You know all the adult stuff we have to do.

Peace and love peeps. Hope things are good in your world.


kimmyk said...

I acutally can't wait for fall to get here.

Bring it on. But I don't want winter yet...noooo.

SuburbanMom said...

I love the cool weather. Totally true about cleaning. When we were in the heat wave the house was a sty. Made it so much worse. And I couldn't do laundry b/c of the energy crises -- woah. It was like I was on strike ;)