Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just Be

Does it seem as if the thrill is gone in my life lately?

I know to one of my peeps it does.

If the rest of ya' feel the same, I am sorry to disappoint.

I am in the middle of down time.


Taking a breather.

Recharging my batteries if you will.

Enjoying the calm before the storm.

Getting stuff in order.

Doing what I need to do.

Taking care of my business.

It is post the busiest time of my work season. In mere weeks, it will be time to cue Willie Nelson.

I will be on the road again. For weeks at a time. Not the occasional day trip here and there I have been doing.

It was during this time last year I was trying to do it all. To be everything for everyone. Do you remember what happened?

I got sick. Deathly ill. Like in the hospital sick.

Not this year peeps.

I'm listening to my body. To my inner voice. I hear the whispers. The screams do not need to knock me flat this go around.

My daily reflection message for today was quite fitting. Part of it states

"In the path of wellness, there will be many boring days. Many days will be full of nothing but responsibility, self-disclipine, and hard work. But the life of stability builds the potential for excitement minus the drama or trauma!"

Amen is what I say to that.


Anonymous said...

I'm just creeped out cause I completely understood your quote thingy. Usually those go right over my big ole head. And I believe it is nice to rest....

Anonymous said...

Amen Mo...

You are your first priority when out on the road. You and me both know this...

You take it easy as much as you can, girl.

Unknown said...

I gotta call your bluff.

Mo said...

Rest is a beautiful thing.

Slick, I hope things slow down for you.

Ace, Um....what exactly do you mean?

Unknown said...

You got plenty of time dammit!