Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weekly Challenge #16

This week's challenge deals with the "ICE" aspect of our lives.

God forbid anyone ever needs to use our "In Case of Emergency" contacts.

But should the need arise, wouldn't it give you and your loved ones peace of mind to know the list is up to date and the information is easily accessible?

My phone has an "ICE" entry but that is about it right now.

I need to update my work "ICE"(immediate manager and HR), my home "ICE" (landlord), put an "ICE" list in my car, in my briefcase, my suitcases, my palm pilot, my purse, get "ICE" lists from my closest peeps, and make sure they have mine.

You may consider the above overkill but as a girl scout I was taught to be prepared and as a frequent traveler, I feel the need to keep such information close at hand.

I encourage you to take the steps too. We just never know when this might be needed.


Monica said...

You're fact I need to add a ton of numbers to my cell phone. For some reason I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

kimmyk said...

smart thinking!
i dont have this and you would think i would. good no, great idea!!

Cheryl said...

I have the ICE numbers in my cell, but never thought of having them at work. Thanks!

Mo said...

Glad y'all like the idea. I was thinking this one might go over like a lead balloon.