Friday, January 11, 2008

Thursday is the New Friday

In case there was any doubt, we have the shirts to prove it.Well, at least two of us do to date. His wife got him the shirt for Christmas. I was told last night there is one on order for me.
I wasn't going to go last night as I was tired, swamped, had to be up very early this morning. Add to all of that, I was in the midst of a herpes outbreak directly related to end of the year stress and the sickness.

I just love me some cold sore action don't you?

Oh and do you see my dry nose too? What a work out it has endured the last week or so.

I knew it would do me good to spend time with some of my favorite people and who can resist a text saying "We need some Monica"?

So I dragged myself out into the wet and cold.

When I arrived some of the boys were playing pool. We haven't done that in awhile because of the pool leagues.

It was pretty funny to hear them smack talk.

As is the norm, food was consumed.

So much for eating healthy...

I polished the fries and pizza off with a massive sized coke. Oh my. No goose and lemonade again?

I caught a lot of flack for this. Some of the boys thought flashing the shocker sign was fitting for the occasion.
And another decided he needed to mull over whether what they were saying about my non drinking status in the ale house was cool or not.

Good times.


Brad said...

Mull over / picking nose - what ever you wanna call it - but he looks like a good guy in unfortunate pose

Monica said...

I hear ya on the cold sore stuff...I get them too and it just looks so gross.

Don't worry about the calories-they don't count when you're sick. ;-)

kimmyk said...

man cold sores suck. i hope yours goes away as fast as it came.

good to see you out and about...but can i just say that your pizza looks sooo delish??? is that black olives i see?

Mo said...

Brad, Too funny!

Monica, I like your theory. I am going to make it my motto!

Kim, You do indeed see black olives on the pizza. Is there any other way? Yum-o!

Cheryl said...

Pizza and fries, oh my! I don't think I've had that combination before. Thanks for the pics. I needed them.

So it's Monica, is it? I was thinking Maureen. Either way, it's Mo!

Unknown said...

cheers to good times and even better friends...