Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's Beginning to Feel A Lot Like . . .

The holidays around here.

I spent the last hour or so finalizing the color combo for my holiday cards. Then I got busy. Punching. Stamping.
I'm not done yet.

After punching 46 squares, 46 scallop squares, starting the stamping, which began as a warm fuzzy but mid way through reminded me of an eye chart, I decided the assembly line would end for the night.
There are times I wish I could go back to the ease of store bought cards but making cards has become one of the things I am known for. It is a hobby and passion I enjoy but times like these...Hallmark feels right and would be a welcome change.

I hope you appreciate the cards received this year, whether they are homemade or store bought. Either way, someone took the time to think of you and send you a bit of love. I'll be remembering this with each card I am blessed to receive.


Monica said...

Normally I dreeeead the mail, but in December I'm usually stalking the mailman hoping for a Christmas card! I'm sure your cards will look great and are much appreciated!

Brad said...

This really looks like fun. My partner's sister is very into scrapbooking. I like the idea but just haven't been too much into making scrapbooks - This is cool to get to use the same hobby skills but then to send it out there into the world - Kinda gives me a new perspective on it - Thanks for the inspiration !

Mo said...

Thanks Monica and Brad!

Brad, I'm still not all the way into scrapbooking in the "traditional" sense of the word but give me some ink, paper, and a stamp...there will be card in there somewhere.

Cheryl said...

I used that set 2 years ago on my holiday cards. I'll have to take a pic and send it to you sometime. Please show us the finished card, OK?

I have all the elements in place for my cards. Will I get them out on time with this cold and the parties? I hope so. Now if I could just stay away from this computer....

kimmyk said...

how cool. you're so crafty!
this is the first year i sent out cards in like forever. it was fun!