Words usually spoken by service workers or a host/hostess right?
Words you don't expect to hear from the po po sitting on your way out of a restaurant.
But words T and I heard as we passed the three policemen getting a bite to eat at Puerto Vallarata after ten tonight.
My response? "No. Thank you for all you do."
Who knew my city's finest would be so polite?
Now that you know where we ate dinner, I just know you want to see what we selected don't you? Don't even try to hide or deny it. You have come to know and love the food pictures.
On the menu this evening was none other than

We splurged and had two cheese enchildas, rice, beans, chips and salsa, and a glass of ice tea.
All this after a girly night of running errands.
A perfect way to end a crappy two days.
Remember how I said earlier this week I was blessed to have great friends? I called T earlier today and asked her if she would mind coming over tonight. I needed some girl time with one of my best girls.
Without missing a beat she said she would be over.
We started off with the Starbucks drive through, hit up Paper Zone (got the paper and envelopes for the New Years cards), Impress (who doesn't love to browse their LSS?), Bed Bath & Beyond (still out of the gadget), Bath and Body Works (last of Ace's Christmas present), and Ulta (Christmas shopping for T).
Good times.
T, Thank you letting me vent. For listening. For laughing with me. For a fantastic night of just being girly with me.
Earlier in the day I was fortunate enough to have a long lunch with Maricel. We were totally caught up in catching up I forgot to take pictures. Shocking I know and goes to show you how off of my game I really am doesn't it?
She picked up Pho for us and we gabbed and gabbed at my place.
We had a surprise visitor come a knocking mid way through. Ya' wanna guess who that might have been?
Ok, I won't make you do that right now.
It was Pete. Haven't heard that name in a while have you?
He read a book and kind of listened in while we talked. Later in the evening he asked if we ever stop to take a breath in between gabbing and I said he should see it when we all get together. If he thought he heard cackling through the door when it was the two of us, he hadn't seen anything yet.
Boys. They just don't get it do they?
I'm tired, frustrated, irritated, and just plain tuckered out so I am outta' here for the time being.
I hope you and yours are in a much better frame of mind and body than I am right now.
Peace and Love Peeps.
I'm sorry that your world is off kilter today. It's so not right. Feel better soon.
I hope you feel better now!!
I hope your crappy spell is over. I want to eat with you guys. I had leftover blintz casserole, which was good, but not a meal. Then a decaf caramel latte. Now I'm hungry again.
BTW...I did not make my thank you's. I even used the last of my wedding thank you's from 15 years ago. With a little rose on them. Hey...it's the thought, right? I think after I get all my Christmas stuff put away I should make up a bunch of thank you cards to have on hand.
hate those kind of days/string of days. kinda why I am "in" on the last saturday of 07.
Hope it all works itself out. it usually does... :)
sounds like you had a great girlie night.
what the heck did he do just sit there in the middle of your night with T and read his book? huh???
sorry you're not feeling at your best...hope it passes as quickly as it came.
Thanks y'all. Saturday turned out better than Thursday and Friday were.
Paolo, Nothing wrong with being "in" on the last Saturday or any Saturday for that matter. Does the body, mind, and soul good.
Kim, While Maricel and I finished our catch up session he pretty much sat in a chair and read through one of my books. Then he took a nap and woke up in time to see T come over and watch us leave.
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