Cheryl posed the questions, "Do you travel to good places? Do you enjoy it?"
I thought this was fitting of an entry all its own.
The answers to the above are yes and no.
Allow me to preface this by saying, I love what I do for a living. I love the people I work with. I love the opportunities and challenges I get to experience. I feel very blessed.
However, life on the road after awhile leaves a lot to be desired.
Traveling for work is not a vacation. I may be going to places outside of my home with a suitcase in hand but this does not make it a vacation.
Business travel is not, I repeat not, as glamorous as most folks believe it to be.
It is a series of itineraries. Flights. Rental cars. Packing. Unpacking. Eating out. Long days. Shorter nights. Miles and miles of highway. Hotels.
I'm leaving a lot more out but I believe you get what I am saying here.
I am on the road a minimum of 50% of the year. I would not be doing my position, the people I work with and for, or the company as a whole any favors by being in my office.
I need to be out and about with my work peeps to do what I do successfully. Travel is necessary to keep in touch with the real deal. I need to be here, there, and everywhere in order to make a difference.
With that being said, you might be wondering where I go. On any day of the week, you might find me in the state of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Alaska, or a tiny corner of Arizona.
My geography is the largest in the company. I have three time zones to contend with. Sometimes I visit other states too for a meeting, training, to lend my assistance, etc.
At this point in my life, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I always wondered about Wyoming. What do people do in Wyoming? There are people in Wyoming...right?
There are a few people in Wyoming Summer. Just a few.
Your life sounds like so much fun. I wanna come!!
Thanks for answering my questions! Yes, it sounded glamorous before you described it. Here's another question...have you made friends in the cities you travel to? Do you go out to dinner and have fun like you do with your friends at home?
Do you see the tippy top of Virginia? I'm not in that top but the one just below it. Annapolis MD is hiding me. Ha! Then look towards the south to Myrtle Beach, that's where I love to go in the summer.
Summer, You are cracking me up! Yep, there are people in Wyoming. There is lots and lots of open spaces but there are people there. As for what they do, outdoorsy stuff. Ya know, hunting, fishing, yada yada from what I can tell.
Anna, Thanks but I think it is safe to say the grass usually looks greener on the other side in this case. I could be wrong but I think a day or two with me and you would run for the hills.
Cheryl, You are welcome. The friends I have made in the cities I travel to tend to be co-workers. We do go out to dinner but they are business dinners for the most part. I always have fun with them though. If there is someone I have met through this little world we call blogging and I am coming through, I do try to connect with them while in town. However, 16+ hour days tend to make this a tad difficult.
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