Sunday, March 04, 2007

Have you jumped on the bandwagon too?

I had not heard of The Secret until I watched the Oprah episode. I was moved and motivated by the content of the show, what the experts had to say, and the theory behind it all.

The Secret is defined as the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like. The concept says that the energy you put into the world—both good and bad—is exactly what comes back to you. This means you create the circumstances of your life with the choices you make every day.

I try to live each day by recognizing the good and putting positive vibes out there but lately I have not been doing such a good job of doing so. So I figured, “Why not?”

I picked the book up yesterday while running some of the errands and have to say I am glad I did. I’ve only read chapter 1 and in the spirit of me, I have also perused the rest of the book. I have to say so far so good.

The other book that changed my way of thinking and the way I choose to live my life was another Oprah show recommendation by none other than Ellen DeGeneres. Have you heard of it? It is the The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

It is one of my all time favorite books. Again with the simple principles and it has been life changing for me. I have recently dusted it off of my bookshelf to regain some of the energy and philosophy I have been lacking lately.

I also have the 48 card deck in my home desk and try to randomly select a card from the box at least once a week, if not more often, for focus, perspective, and meditation. I figure random would guide me on what I needed to see. Ya’ know the universe speaking to me and all that instead of forcing something.

So, are you like me? On the hunt for perspective, gratitude, philosophy, etc.? Of course all things are possible through Christ and he is first and foremost in my life. Spirituality is huge around this part.

Do you have life changing books, movies you care to share? I’m really interested so please do tell.

And just for fun, here is a random card selection from today.

The agreement is Don’t Make Assumptions.

The front of the card says Be Yourself Around Others.

The back of the card says, “The biggest assumption that humans make is that everyone sees life the way we do. We assume that others think the way we think, feel the way we fell, judge the way we judge, and abuse the way we abuse. We are afraid to be ourselves around others because we think others will judge us, victimize us, abuse us, and blame us as we do ourselves.”

Food for thought and does tie nicely into my question for you doesn't it? Peace and Love Peeps.

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