Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Day 4 - Updates in Color

I know that is a crappy picture but it gives you an idea of our weather 'round these parts today.
Again, I am not complaining. I appreciate days like these. Makes me feel less guilty about not getting out and about. It is kind of like the universe is giving me permission to be a homebody.
It is supposed to rain tomorrow and then the sun is scheduled to make an appearance and continue to do so for at least six days or so.
Finished another book yesterday. I told y'all I am a reader.

Even though I am going to the library today, I am going to boycott reading for as long as I can today. (Picked up The Measure of a Man: A Spirtual Autobiography by Sydney Portier, Sacred Sins by Nora Roberts, Heart Full of Lies by Ann Rule, and If I Knew Then...by Amy Fisher. What can I say? I was in a weird mood this afternoon.)

See, I still have some laundry left to do (Have not even touched it). I have a few cards (done) I need to create. And a trip to Goodwill (dropped off) and the post office too (got laughed at). Even though I have not finished with the laundry, I did manage to clean out my closet yesterday. That counts for something right?

My phones are still on silent. Yesterday I had 26 missed calls on the cell. Now do you understand why I want to be quiet for a bit? Yea, I thought you might. I haven't checked the home phone yet.

No worries. When I have a message on either the cell or the home phone, a red light blinks nice and bright. I'll most likely come off of silent tomorrow.

For now I am going to make some lunch and let those creative juices get to flowing.

Hope y'all are having a good day.

Peace and Love Peeps.


kimmyk said...

I don't think I know 26 people.

Glad you're having a productive sort of week. Good for you...

I'm sure those at Goodwill will appreciate the donations. I cleaned out our closet last month and it was great to have some moving around space in there.

Mo said...

Moving around space is awesome. I probably didn't purge as much as I should have but I did take a hefty load in.

26 people...I bet you know that many. They just don't bug you. LOL

Most of those calls were from work peeps who didn't know I was on vacation. Today so far only 11 calls.

kimmyk said...

12. I called. You didn't answer. Good thing I wasn't sitting in the pokey sharing a cell with some butch bitch givin me the wonk eye cause I woulda seriously been sad.

Mo said...

You seriously are cracking me up woman. Really.

When you called I didn't hear the phone. Duh. It is on silent. I see the red light blinking but I have not checked the message yet. I will. I promise. Just not yet.