It's that time of the year again.
The time of the year when we hop a flight to the desert to celebrate winning the prestigious national award and then beat the heck out of them in a day and half meeting to make sure they get it together for balance of the year so we can win again and come back to Vegas the following summer.
Yup, that's how we do. Such passive aggressive behavior I know but it seems to work.
I'm going to have to work really hard to not call them bitches when I am presenting.
That'd go over really well with the HR director wouldn't it?
Mo addresses her team: "Look here bitches. When did it become acceptable to look the other way when someone can't account for hundreds of dollars? Y'all nothing but bitches. I've had enough."
That is what I really want to say but I know I can't. So I won't. Even though boss man said I can be as aggressive as I want to be when I am presenting.
The time for babysitting is over. The time for inflicting pain via processes is now. They are so going to love me. It's a damn good thing they know how I feel about them personally because work wise, me no likey them right now and I am sure they will no likey me after tomorrow.
Hope y'all stay cool. It's supposed to be in the 90s again tomorrow and in Vegas, at least 106. At least the hotel has AC but getting from the airport to the cab to the hotel to the conference room will result in some crotch sweating at the very least I am sure. And peeps, it is that time of the month too.
Was that TMI? If so, I am sorry. I just thought you should know what I am up against.
Apparently the hotel we are staying at wants to charge for internet access so the chances of me checking in while I am in gone are slim to none. Plus you know there is partying to do. It is Vegas after all.
And I need some time away. Really I do. Lately I have been living in my head too much. I thought the funk was behind me, and for the most part it is, but the last couple of days have been like an emotional roller coaster that went off the tracks. I'm an amusement park accident waiting to happen.
To my girls: Thanks for being there for me. For understanding. For listening. For letting me have my space. For checking in. For being present. I love you and am so very grateful and blessed y'all are in my life.
And in case anyone is wondering, Pete and I are ok as far as I know. We had a really off day Sunday and it continued into today. We're supposed to get together Friday for dinner when I get back so we'll see where things truly are then.
For now, I am off like a dirty shirt. I need to pack and get to bed. Early morning flights are the best.
Peace and Love Peeps.
Edited at 12:50 AM: Ok, so I am my own worst enemy. Finally got my packing list updated and made the suitcase all nice and cozy. Some crazy girl, who wants to remain incognito, wanted to see what I am wearing for a business meeting where casual is the dress code with exception to no tank tops and no flip flops.
So, here's my packing list and a peek into my OCD at it's best. I always pack by an excel spreadsheet like this.
You also might be thinking I am going a little dressy for a casual meeting but I either have work casual, dressy, or really casual so I'm going to err on the side of caution and possibly be overdressed. Better safe than sorry when both of your bosses are in attendance I say.
Wednesday: Home/Meeting
Shirt White and Black Polka Dot Belted Shirt w White Tank
Slacks Black Gaucho
Other Black Spanx ?
Shoes Black Ballet Flats
Accessories Silver Drop Earrings
Underwear Crème Set w Thong
Wednesday Night: Dinner & Free Time
Other Black Wrap Dress
Shoes Black Strappy Sandals
Accessories Silver Hoops, Black Clutch
Underwear Full Spanx w Black Bra
Thursday: Meeting
Other Black Shirt Dress
Shoes Gold Heel Sandals
Accessories Gold Drop Earrings
Underwear Black Bra Set w Thong
Thursday Night: Dinner & Show
Other Red and White Halter Dress
Shoes White Canvas Peeps
Accessories Black Clutch, Silver Hoops
Underwear Natural Spanx w Beige T Back
Friday: Free & Travel Home
Shirt Beige w Black & Gold Design
Slacks Black Capri Gauchos
Other Black Spanx
Shoes Black Ballet Flats
Accessories Shiny Gold Drop Earrings
Underwear Black Bra Set w Red and White T Back
Tampons and Liners
Shampoo, Conditioner, hair stuff inc curl activator
Make Up
Lint Roller
Sleepy Underwear x2
Travel Charger for Phone
Travel charger and Sync for Palm
I am envious... Vegas sounds like mucho fun. Hope you have so much fun there -- that some of it has to stay there, if you know what I mean.
Today my dental hygenist told me that when she was in Vegas this past weekend, it was 124 degrees at one point. Ouch. Order lots of frozen daiquiris and don't forget the sunblock....
OMG. Pack extra undies ya know what I mean!?! Hot hot hot!!
Have a great time and don't forget to rub the dice on your ass so you win a new pair of shoes or something like that.
omg, my travel lists looks almost identical. I have everything I need to bring right down to q-tips and cotton balls! lol! have fun in vegas!!
have an awesome time...
Sunny, That is HOT!!! It only got to about 109 and I was inside most all of the time.
Kimmy, Oh yea, extra undies were thrown in at the last minute.
Dawn, The qtips and cotton balls are always packed. My personal items never leave the suitcase and are replenished after a trip or as needed. Sick I know.
Paolo, Thanks!
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