Celebrating a new chapter in a man's life.
Family, Friends, Tunes, Food, Spirits, Laughs, Cool Breezes...A fabulous way to spend a Saturday evening and Sunday morning.
Sending a great big shout out to Bobby. Congratulations...You're On the Way Baby!

Grilled Oysters. Do you see the size of that sucker? Kyla and I cut it in half and shared it. Yum!
Our favorite were the ones with white wine and shredded fresh parmesan cheese but the ones with Tiger sauce weren't so bad either.
Sorry T. You'll be here soon enough and I think I know what will be first up after Taco Time.
And another sorry to Kimmy. I hope the sight of that didn't make your tummy turn.
I think grilled oysters are a Pacific Northwest thing. We never did that in Texas but for the record, I like it and I want more of it.
Mo and Kyla all glammed up and sporting the Chanel and Fendi glasses. Katherine would be so proud.

Tunes rocking on the iPod after partaking in the free flowing booze results in a sing-a-long with friends.

And speaking of partaking in the booze, let's play beer pong shall we? Neither Kyla or I had played before but the graduate wanted to so we threw caution to the wind and went for it.
Line those cups up on opposite sides of the table, get in teams of two, fill cups with some beer, and attempt to get the ping pong ball in a cup. If your opponents make a shot, you drink the beer. Easy enough right?
It was college binge drinking at its finest.
The only bad part was the college beer. Natural Light and MGD. Um, Bud Light please at a minimum. At least we had pink lemonade and vodka chasers to cut the after taste down.
Oh and speaking of beer, vodka, and pink lemonade, I was introduced to a new drink that may become a staple of bbq, lake, pool, patio chillin', good times excursions/events. It's called a pink panty dropper.
The recipe, as it was told to me by the host, is
- A half rack of beer (6 pack)
- 3 pink lemonade concentrate cans mixed with water
- A fifth of vodka
- A 2 liter of Sprite
Mix it all together in a cooler, add ice, and pour. Try it. You just might like it.
We rounded out the night by kidnapping the college grad and showing him how we do post college. We hit up one of our local hot spots, which wasn't so hot this particular night, and then headed to the local casino to watch some peeps break it down and get freaky on the dance floor.I know it is not nice to look and laugh but it is pure entertainment I tell ya'.
that drink definitely sounds interesting. I'm not used to mixed drinks involving beer!
I love watching the gangsta wannabes dancing in the clubs. one time a girl danced down to the floor on a guy and fell on her ass. now THAT'S entertainment...LOL
Dawn, Me either! It was yummers though.
I knew someone out there would understand our bad behavior. Didn't see anyone fall on the floor but we saw some other entertaining stuff for sure.
Do I need to make a trip over there and put you on some kind of time out. I think that I am going to ground you if this behavior keeps up.
Yes daddy.
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