JoJo had drinks and dinner with Kyla at the Outback Friday night. He probably heard more than he wanted to and was glad when I quit my bitchin'.

JoJo was present during the break up discussion Saturday afternoon. He spent some time around a Blue Moon, tried the new Chill, which by the way gets my vote, because it's that good. And got crazy with the old standby, Bud Light.

Here JoJo is chillin' with love kitty Sunday afternoon on the patio.

Peace and Love Peeps. I need to get to bed. It is going to be a long one today and y'all know how I feel about Mondays.
That JoJo-quite the party animal.
It's Monday and I'm already late and not feelin' like goin' to work.
I hate Mondays.
Dude. I wanna party with Jojo. :)
OK, so I'm jumping from hijacking one thread to another. I'm working on more hints but finding it difficult as it seems that any further hints would be quite obvious and that's just not as much fun.
I must give you some credit on the beer as the Blue Moon is quite good. Was that an orange slice in that one or just a shadow. Must part company on the Chill though. If you want a beer real bad that's a real bad beer. Gave one to a friend that likes Zima and he wouldn't even drink it. Glad I only got a six pack. Any idea yet?
Tammy, JoJo welcomes you up here anytime.
Of course JoJo belongs to Tina so I am going to have to get my very own JoJo I think.
Either way you look at it, you are welcome to visit.
DPHD, You just might have to go with the obvious hints because I am totally not catching on.
And yes, that is an orange slice. That's how we roll.
Trying to remember what you drank way back when. The orange is good in the Hefeweizen but I have a hard time getting past the Man-Law of no fruit in beer. Lime in the Corona, Sol, Pacifico, etc is fine though. Still working on you some hints but just can't bring myself to making it easy yet.
DPHD, How far back are we going? Maybe then I can guess a bit better than I am right now.
I'll take easy any day...you are starting to freak me out a little.
Now don't go getting freaked out. It was back sometime between 2000 and 2003 I think.
Navy or salty snack connection?
omg, send my bitch back to me. my mother says, "is that what you wanna be doing when Jesus shows up, gettin Jojo drunk?"
he looks like he had a great time, if you friend Tammy wants a turn with him, just let me know where he is going next.
Navy? Certainly not! That would imply a connection to a rather worthless ex of yours. Please do not lump me into that category.
Disclaimer for the lurkers: Please don't confuse the aforementioned statement as any sort of disrespect to our armed forces. I hold them in the highest regard both now and before it was cool to support the troops.
Salty snack connection? That could mean many things. These are known to be served in a bar to which you are obviously no stranger. Is that what you are implying?
And again, don't be freaking out. I'm really pretty harmless. Plus I'm approximately 2,206 miles from you anyway and I can't really pull off that road trip without having a good excuse for the S.O.
Still can't think of any good hints for you though.
LOL JoJo looks like one hip dude...irrr gnome.
Seriously, I have been hoping to run into someone who has tried the new Miller Chill. Glad to hear it gets your vote! I'm generally the type to swear off Miller, Budweiser and the like, but the Chill commercials have me salivating on myself! I had better be able to find it in four months.
I think JoJo needs to come to Ohio for a few days then I'll send him back to Tina or back to you or onto someone else. Seriously.
Ok, that's it. After happy hour tomorrow night, I will be packing JoJo up and sending him to Kimmy.
He needs to dry out huh? Maybe you can take him to counseling or parent him. Oh and feed him some home cooked food.
He has worked to excess and has lived the after work hours to excess too. Can't say I don't play as hard as I work. :)
Since I last posted pics from the weekend, he has had a few more drinks at dinner tonight and indulged in some dip and chips, fries, half a chicken sandwich from Red Robin and lunched at Qdoba today.
Treat him well. I know you will.
Oh and Tina, I promise I will update the actual website too. I just have to get through the rest of this week sane.
DPHD, Are you where I just left?
DPHD, What I mean is the last business trip. Of course you were not just in my bathroom. Or were you?
Yeah JoJo's comin' to visit!
No and no I did not visit your banõ. That would just be weird and worthy of being freaked out. I wouldn't go that far to get to you. A flipping of the bird is about as far as I will go.
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